Monday, May 19, 2008

Random nonsense from me today.

Eddie watched "The Incredibles" last night for the first time. So of course today, he wanted to watch it again. The problem was that I don't own the movie. Last night it was on t.v. So, I had to ask my sister to borrow her copy.

Today Eddie has been backpedaling further with his refusals to sit on the potty. I'm over it. I want to move to China and leave everyone behind. Will this ever be a done deal???

Alexa refused to sleep during nap time, and Eddie had a pee accident. Which he really hasn't had for quite some time. I guess the Incredibles were just that! It was way too much to think he might tear himself away from the t.v. in order to take himself to the bathroom.

I'm tired. And I can't think straight. Last night we had a bb-q and the food was so yummy. I was just thinking that it will be a long time before we come back and do that all again. The time is getting shorter here. I think we have 27 days left.

So anyway, dh just "out processed" today from the base. We no longer belong here. I think I'm ready to unpack my things already. I don't even know where our stuff technically is.

Ok, enough of my ramblings. Time for Tonka truck fruit snacks. Eddie loves those.
They are actually quite good if you haven't had them before!