Monday, December 15, 2008

Can we talk about gas?

Really? Can we? The problem is my son. If you could call it a problem at all. I mean, he is 3 and a half years old. And he has discovered the wondrous bodily function of passing gas. He does it ALL the time. He laughs and laughs and then when you think he us incapable of more, he does it again. Passing gas is turning into a favorite past time. We call it, "tooters" in my house. And he can tooter all day long.

Does it stop? Does it get better? Does it get less funny? Or funnier as they get older? I am trying to teach him the proper manners about this, but it's hard. He just giggles endlessly and tooters on everyone in the family. Oh my goodness. Boys. {{Mommy rolls eyes and throws hands up in defeat.}}

On an unrelated note, we went to a birthday party today. It was held at a place called Pump It Up. It's an inflatable indoor play area that has obstacle courses, giant slides, and bounce houses. We had Eddie's 3rd birthday party there, and the mom of a little boy that we invited to our party liked it so much that she decided to have her son's party there too. The kids had a lot of fun, and even let me sit back and watch rather than insisting that I climb all over the place with them.

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Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

No, it does NOT get better. I have a candle going in my classroom all day long. Ugh!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

NOPE-dont get better!
My 11 year old thinks its funny and now Im blessed enough to have the sweet lil princess do it.
Yep-she comes right up to you and says...I faaawwwted.
Just great.
Just so princess like!

Have fun!!

Vanessa Rogers said...

My husband still thinks the tooters are the most hilarious thing. I am not sure they grow out of it.

Stephanie said...

boys never grow out of it...ever...and then it moves on to burping and scratching as well!

Unknown said...

I thought I was going to get to not deal with the tooters thing with 2 girls.


Melissa said...

come on, farts are funny! *wink* when you're a kid, anyway! (or a man). Lovely..... LOL!

Looks like a fun party!

Ashley said...

Haha! In that first photo he looks like he is letting one rip!

Anonymous said...

Can't help you with the tooters. Not sure if boys ever grow out of it. :)

You have such funny/sad stories! LOL :)

My biggest question is how in the heck did you get all those kids to sit in a line like that to get such a cute picture???

Dennis and Leslie said...

Haha, boys, they are so simple...

Mama Smurf said...

UM, yeah, have you READ my last blog post!?! It does NOT get better! My 12 year old STILL thinks the 4 letter "F" word is funny!

Anonymous said...

Typical boy!