Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Short timers...

As I sit here in my chair I realize that I only have about 6 more nights in my house. My first house. I'm really going to miss it. And the kitchen, because it is really nice and big. We still aren't leaving the country until June 14th. But with all the activity that's going on, it's real, and it's all happening right now. I'm awaiting the renters/possible buyers to show up today for a final walk-thru inspection of the house. Which that of course meant that I needed to clean.

I hate cleaning during the last minute. It makes me crazy. And don't get me started with the fact that there is no food in the house to eat. When I clean, I get hungry. And I can't do anything about it right now. My precious little bundle is fast asleep on my bed. Although after snapping these last photos, I realize that she isn't so little anymore.

But sweet, she is! She and her brother are taking very well to rooming together. Well, once they run themselves into utter exhaustion. It usually takes about an hour for them to go to sleep. They won't stop laughing. So we just let them. I mean, with the coming months I know that they are going to be side by side until we get into our new home. And that's going to be in July.

And that brings me back to packing our suitcases. The kids are done. Easy. But me, that's another task altogether. I did end up buying 1 more suitcase (as my carry-on ). But it is a full size (21 inch) bag. I think I'm going to need it. I've never had to live out of a suitcase for 2 months. This should prove to be quite the adventure. The movers will be here sometime Friday morning. THIS Friday. And I'm not ready for them yet. And then Eddie's birthday AND party are on Saturday. Oh man, the things I have yet to do.

Did I mention that I still have to learn a new language??? lol~ let me just throw that on top of the pile!ok, I have to run, I really shouldn't be blogging at all right now.

Ok, so just for fun, here are two of my most recent purchases:New car seat for Alexa. We plan to check this one since the two we have for her are insanely HEAVY! Not only is it cute, but it's a lot lighter, and it serves the purpose to travel. The nicest of the two we own will remain in the car

Ok, time to go! I have tons of things to do~~

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